Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! You ask, "How can I help the black-footed ferret?" Contact any zoo that is involved with the captive program. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs is a zoo involved with saving the ferrets and check out what they're doing. If you enjoy spending time in our lovely prairie grassland ecosystem and think it's worth saving, get the word out on saving this ecosystem. Tell all that restoring this grand ecosystem is dependent on saving the keystone species and proper spatial allotment for prairie dog colonies. Send your friends, colleagues...etc my link and tell them why protecting the prairie grassland and communing with nature is valuable on so many levels.  Like the quotable movie line in "Field of Dreams" "If you build it, he will come." 'It' is the protected, managed grasslands, and the 'he' is the black-footed ferret and the whole host of communities needed to sustain our beautiful ecosystem. Except this won't be a movie and the reality will be results that are mutually beneficial goods and services to both the ecosystem and living things--like us--that depend on one another.

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